SU-27 Family - Machtres Fighters

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  SU-27 Family -video >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comparative Table            

1. Development / pre-production / prototypes:


Factory designation for the prototype Su-27. Code NATO ASCC FLANKER - A




Newly designed wings, nose, motor mount and tail. Code NATO ASCC FLANKER - B

2. Su-27 Basic Family:


Standard version of the base design T-10S, with its original air-to-land capacity. Sometimes it’s designated Su-27 without the S.


Standard version but without the system and installation of the air-to-land weapons control. Sometimes it’s designated Su-27 without the P.


The first prototype Su-27P with the ability to refuel during flight. Later, they took off the weapons and radar and used it for air acrobatics. 


This is the basic version of the two-seated trainer.


This is the exported version of the Su-27S, radar N001E, renovated to carry 8.000 kg It has different options of ECM (Gardenia o Sorbitsya). It also has different localization options. The Chinese version is called the J-11.


This is the exported version of the Su-27UB. It has the same cargo capacity as the Su-27SK.


This is based on the SK version with IFR. 12 pods. Supposedly provided with the radar Zhuk-27. The actual prototype is the same as the SK with an IFR which is being tested. They are planning on adding the capacity of multirole and a multiuse from the R-77.

Phase 1.

It has12 (before 10) pods, radar N001M with the capacity of the R-77, a retractable in-flight refueling system, the capacity of internal combustion 9965 kg (9400 kg), and it can carry two tanks of 2000 liters each.

Phase 2.

It has guided weapons A-G, a new ECM, and navigation systems.


It’s the second intent of a multirole Su-27SK, being very similar to the SMK. In place of the Zhuk-27 radar, they installed the N001VEP and a system of fire control identical to that of the Zhuk-27’s system. It functions as a one-seat equivalent to the Su-30MKK. It has the same style cockpit as the MKK, but it contains a MFD.


It’s a domestic version of the SMK renovated in mid-life, with a N001V radar that possesses an additional search/detection mode which also has a larger range. It’s already in service.


This version was renovated for PVO/VVS from the Su-27UB, based on the Su-30KN but without the IFR. 10 planes have been remade since the end of 2001.


Belgian/Russian version of the Su-27UB developed by the 588th Aircraft Repair Plant and the Russian Avionics design bureau. Similar to the Su-30KN with a better interface, a digital control system, guided air-to-land weapons, air-to-air missiles RVV-AE, MFD of 5x 5 monochromatic inches, a renovated N001 with new modes and detection ranges.


It’s a better planned version of the Su-27P/S, tested in a two-piloted Su-30KN


6 replaced for the display ‘Test Pilot’ with occidental communications and the capacity to refuel during flight.


(‘Razvedchik Tseleukazatel’ o reconnaissance/target acquirement), proposed version.

3. Su-30 Family:



Retractable refueling of combustion, N001 modified radar (it can attack two targets simultaneously with the R-27), renovated navigation system, data link APD-518, tactic display SEI-31 in the back seat, back seat for co-pilot en formations or the single piloted Su-27P/S, at this moment it is actualized to the standard Su-30KN.


(‘Istrebeitel’ or fighter) Is a trial plane with adjacent error reports.


This is the export version of the Su-30, 8 were sold to India in 1997, but it only comes in the standard Su-27UB version with a retractable refueling system. The next 10 are equipped with some French and Israeli systems, and in both cases they carry the standard Su-30MKI.


This has renovated avionics, with the full A-G capacity, 12 pods, which is the first real multirole of the SU-27 family.


This is the exported version of the Su-30M.


This is a one-piloted version for Indonesia, and it’s the only one-piloted plane of the SU-30 family, which is the remodeled prototype of the Su-27SMK .


This is a proposal of Sukhoi to remodel the RuAF Su-27S. It might be similar to the Su-30KI, which was exported to Indonesia.


This is the exported version of the PLC, a Multirole Su-30 with TVC and error reports, but with a tail similar to that of a Su-35. It has N001VE radar and a system of fire control that is the same as that of the Zhuk-27. Weapons included: R-77, Kh-29T, Kh-59MK, Kh-31A, series KAB guided by TV, R-27 y series R-73.


Actualized for the Su-27UB,  the UBM/BM and the Su-30/Su-30K.

Phase 1.

Radar with A-G and mapping mode, adjacent guided weapons A-G, GPS, MFD  MFI-55 color.

Phase 2.

This comes from the avionics of the MiG-29SMT, 2-3 MFD MFI-68 which are larger in every position, and bigger motors.

4. Su-30 family renovated with some characteristics from the Su-27M:


This is a modernized Su-30MK with a ESA N011M radar and with the avionics of the Su-37, with error reports and turbines which have a vectored opening.


Su-30MKK with better electronics and supports for the anti-ship missiles. Radar N001VEP. It has the possibility to work with the SAPSAN-E and the Kupol M400. They hope that others can be brought up to this standard.


Su-30MK2 is a variant for Vietnam with minor modifications. The modifications include a remodeled communications system and an ejection seat.


Su-30MKK has a Zhuk MSE radar. Kh-59MK supports for the anti-ship missiles.


This designation is not official: Proposed for the Su-30MKK, which has a NIIP Panda radar (N001VEP + but phase array).


This version is to be exported to India with computer from the country, French HUD Sextant VEH3000, Totem INS/GPS navigation system, MFD and some other Israeli system (probably the RWR y ECM), 32 fabricated in Russia, 140 in the HAL company in India, the first plane of the series flew on 11.26.2000.


This is a non-official designation of the MKK sold to Indonesia.


This is the version to be exported to Malaysia based on the Su-30MKI with significant changes in its avionics. The systems that were produced in Russia and South Africa were re-emplaced by ones made in Israel, in particular the ECM, the same thing also happened to the missile alert system MAW-300, the laser lighting system LWS-310,  and the EWC electronic warfare controller from SAAB Avitronics.

5. Su-27K Naval Family:



This is a naval hunting version, with error reports in the fuselage, folding wings and horizontal stabilizers, a retractable hook, naval avionics, an automatic landing system, retractable refueling, and the capacity to carry UPAZ-A Sachalin containers, and 12 pods.



Naval version of the multirole Su-27M.


Planned version of the trainer (seats that are side by side).



Naval version of the multi-purpose/trainer, a bigger and new wing with an area of 70 m2 (anterior 62 m2), a wingspan of 16m (before 14,7m) with better aerodynamics  (15-20% better range with the same amount of fuel), better error reports and horizontal stabilizer, radar N010-27.


Planned version to better the Su-27KUB.


Planned version of the ECM for the Su-27KUB.


Export version of the Su-27KM.

6. Su-27M Multirole Family: 



This has a renovated fuselage with canards, FBW digital, a bigger random and needle (tailpiece), 14 pods, retractable refueling, internal combustion \10.250 kg, can carry two drip tanks of 2000 liters each, renovated avionics, N011 radar , tail radar N012 in a rod, full capacity A-G , glass crystal in the cockpit (3 - 4 MFD monochromatic).


Su-35 with the motors Al-41F1 and new avionics, including a Phazotron Sokol radar or the new NIIP Irbis.



ESA radar N011M, control of the true vector, 4 color MFD.


Export version of the Su-35 with French avionics for the European Union.



This is the version of the two-piloted Su-35; the first prototype flew in September of 2000.


Planned version of the trainer, seats that are side by side, the same as the Su-27KUB, the first work on the first prototype started in 1998, but later it was abandoned.

7. Su-27IB Bombardier Family:




This is a complete change: side by side seats, canards, flat-bottomed random, in the inferior part of the two wheels of the tandem, 12 pods, radar ESA B004, radar for tail protection N012 in a rod, new navigation systems, internal combustion 12.100 kg, a maximum limit of 7G, can support 3 drip tanks of 3000 liters each/ 2400 kg each, titan armor over the cockpit, retractable refueling, RAM, FBW digital, 6 prototypes constructed, two of which are to be tested on land.


Planned reconversion of the Su-27IB, probably equipped in a similar form as the Su-27KRC.


ECM version of the Su-27IB, probably equipped in a similar form as the Su-27KPP.


Naval attack plane with the Sea Dragon FC system, N012 with MAD, acoustic search system, son buoys in pods, missiles Kh-31, Kh-35 Uran, Kh-41 Moskit, Yachont/Oniks, torpedoes, depth charges, rocket torpedoes, prototype T10V-5 shown in the standard FN in Le Bourget  in1995, probably equipped  with basic avionics.


This is the version of the Su-27IB, which is thought to be exported.

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